Your Toolkit

Children WIN (Wellness Initiative Network), whose mission is to move families to make healthier choices for life, is the driving force behind Walk Cabarrus, a community-wide walking campaign for 2021. The motivation is to transform the collective health of Cabarrus County and to prevent childhood obesity which studies have shown is increasing at a staggering rate.

This campaign has 2 main goals:

  1. To engage 1,000 new walkers
  2. Collectively log, through the Walk Cabarrus website, Two Billion Steps…yes, that is Billion with a B!

Both of these initiatives will take a lot of support from the community so we encourage you to partner with us. We have created a toolkit to help get you started, but however you encourage involvement is welcome!

This toolkit empowers partners to:

  • Effectively communicate the purpose and goals of the campaign
  • Implement your own Walk Cabarrus initiatives at work, at home, etc.
  • Promote the campaign and encourage participation through social media
  • Ensure the health and wellness of Cabarrus County citizens for years to come

You can download the Walk Cabarrus toolkit as a ZIP file by clicking on the button above. You can also download individual graphics/PDFs in the graphics section at the bottom of this page. Be sure to check back often as we will be adding new items, including a video throughout the campaign. And please share your success stories with us so we can feature those on social media and in our newsletters.

Share Your Participation in Walk Cabarrus With Your Friends

The complete Toolkit for Walk Cabarrus is a ZIP file containing all of the items on this page, plus informational flyers to help your friends, family, co-workers, and our community get on the path to being more active and leading a healthier lifestyle.

The best way you can help spread the word for Walk Cabarrus is to share your participation on your social media accounts. Thank you in advance for helping us get out the important message of keeping Cabarrus County healthy!

You can download any of these graphics for your own personal use.

Just click on the image to view the larger version. Then right-click on the image and select Save Image As… to save it to your computer. Then upload the image to your favorite social media platform!

Logo – with #

Logo – no #

Two Billion Steps Icon

Partner Toolkit

Manage Groups

Walking Log

Site developed by Perry Productions