Walk. It’s active. It’s movement. It’s an invitation to get up, get out, and explore the community in which we live.

Cabarrus. It’s our county. It’s Concord, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, Midland, and Mount Pleasant. It’s the local park, the downtown street, the place where you walk your dog every day. It’s home.

Combine the two and you have Walk Cabarrus—a healthy walking initiative supported by the Cabarrus Health Alliance and the Cabarrus Wellness Coalition. Cabarrus County is one of a select few communities chosen to participate in this nationwide pilot test program, whose intention is to promote the recommendations from the 2nd edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.

Physical Activity Conversion Chart

All of the following activities can be recorded as 2000 steps/1 mile.

  • Walking – Running – Swimming
    (1 mile)

  • Cycling (street or mountain)/
    (3 miles)

  • Vigorous intensity exercise (somewhat hard to talk)  Spinning – Stairmaster – Water Aerobics – Adaptive Exercises – Cross fit – HITT – Tabata
    (20 minutes)

  • Moderate intensity (easy to talk)
    See activities above
    (30 minutes)

  • Basketball – Tennis – Pickleball – Soccer
    (20 minutes)

  • Volleyball
    (45 minutes)

  • Gardening
    (30 minutes)

  • Yoga – Strength Training – Pilates – Barre – Adaptive Exercises – Weightlifting – Resistance Band Exercise (30 Minutes)

Our main goal is to encourage Cabarrus County residents to become more active through walking, and we plan to reach that goal in a number of ways.

We’ll engage 1,000 new walkers. These are the people who want to be active but don’t know where to start. We’ll help them start, providing the resources and encouragement they need to become regular walkers.

We’ll partner with local programs and facilities. If you’re new to walking or just tired of your usual routine, you can visit any of our partner locations for a change of scenery. At these locations, you’ll find designated walking areas, activities, programs, and most importantly, a community of active individuals just like you.

We’ll reach one billion steps as a community. We won’t deny that 1,000,000,000 is a large number (just look at all those zeros), but we believe in the citizens of Cabarrus County. If we can come together and work toward one common goal, we can conquer any challenge—including 1 billion steps. But it’s going to take everyone: adults, children, senior citizens, and individuals with disabilities. We want to count every single step and get each one logged.


In order to do this, we’re asking individuals, businesses, churches, schools, organizations, and more to register. Once registered, you’ll be able to log steps individually or as a group. If you have registered previously, you do not need to register again. You are already good to go! For anyone who does not have the means to track their steps through a device (smartphone, smartwatch, FitBit, etc.), a step calculator can be found on the Walk Cabarrus website. This will allow you to enter the miles you have walked and convert them into steps toward our goal.

Becoming a Walk Cabarrus participant is easy. All you have to do is follow four simple steps.

Step One: Register right now. You can register as an individual and then create/join a group. Groups can track their steps collectively to reach collective goals.

Step Two: Invite others to join you. We need everyone in Cabarrus County walking, so bring your friends and family with you wherever you go and count your steps.

Step Three: Get out and get walking! Visit our website for suggested locations and activities within Cabarrus County.

Step Four: Log your steps, check in on our community total, and watch us hit one billion steps.

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